
Here are a few clients I’ve worked with to design and host an online presence:

Lewinsville Montessori School

screenshot of Organize Me VA
Organize Me of Virginia

Friedman Advisors LLC

George C. Marshall HS PTSA

Country Day Montessori School

Special Occasions of Great Falls

Juice Quest with Pam

I also provide (for clients who request it), hosted Microsoft Exchange services. These days we’re all using multiple devices to access our email, contacts and calendars, and for folks who prefer to use Outlook, an Exchange account makes using multiple devices like smartphones, tablets and computers easy. I can even provision hosted Exchange services with add-ons like compliance, backup and email retention. I can provision MS Office 365 subscriptions as well. My hosted Exchange services are provided through my reseller agreement with Sherweb.com, a leading service provider in the northern hemisphere.

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