Smartphone Case?

shutterstock_129872813_resultSmartphone Case? a reader asks…

I just got a new smartphone, and am somewhat of a klutz – I drop things pretty often. Should I buy a case for my phone?

It’s never wrong to get protection for your smartphone, it’s usually a sizable investment, at least in terms of the monthly fees and 2-year contract – which greatly outweigh the up-front cost of any smartphone. You can consider two different types of protection:

  1. A replacement plan either from your carrier (AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, Orange, etc.)
  2. a case or cover for your smartphone

You should give serious consideration to #1 above, and by all means, find a good protective case for your smartphone! Read on for more tips and recommendations:


shutterstock_1418984_resultSince you say you are kind of a ‘butter-finger’, I think a case makes good sense. But be sure to shop around. And make sure that the case fits your smartphone – a good place to look is either at the carrier or maker’s store, or online, such as or I actually bought two cases for my iPhone, a thin case that protects the smartphone itself, and a leather case with horizontal belt clip. I had to make sure the belt case was big enough for both my smartphone with its thin case installed.


Your situation will depend on exactly what brand and model of smartphone you got. Some smartphones are more easily damaged when dropped, some are more durable. And you need to recognize that a protective case will help avoid – but not prevent – damage to your smartphone.

streetsign-read-the-small-print-image-from-shutterstockDon’t overlook buying a replacement plan from your carrier – where you bought your smartphone. If you think you might drop and possibly break the smartphone within the one or two-year replacement time, then give serious consideration to a plan. But read the terms of the plan before you plunk down money for it. Be sure it covers accidental breakage as well as water damage. And read the fine print on their limitations, some plans will only cover one repair incident, some will cover unlimited repairs – some will only repair your smartphone. And some will either fix or replace your smartphone – but it’s their choice. Some plans simply reduce the cost of fixing or replacing your smartphone, they don’t fully cover the repair/replacement cost.

By all means, get yourself a nice case, there are tons of options out there. Please leave a comment below to tell me what particular brand and model you have, and I can add links for specific cases that I think are the best.

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