Warning to my Readers about Email

no-isp-email-graphicWarning to my Readers about Email:

If you still use an AOL.com, Verizon.com/net or Yahoo.com email address, soon I will no longer be sending you emails, neither the weekly digest, nor regular emails. If you send email to me or use my Ask Your Tech Coach form, I will not be replying or responding to you other than by posting articles on this website. Effective, today.

So why am I taking this action? Simple: in my opinion, those three email service providers (really just one, since Verizon owns both AOL and Yahoo) are using crude and overly draconian anti-spam practices. Many of my emails are being rejected by those service providers for the simple reason that they contain multiple hyperlinks (URLs you can click on). I fully comply with the CAN SPAM Act and GDPR, and require folks subscribing to my digest to opt in and confirm they want to receive emails from me, before they can receive emails.


no-spam-graphic-image-from-shutterstockI abhor spammers as much as you do, and do everything in my power to fight against this scourge of email service. But I run the risk of myself being classified as a spammer by Verizon/AOL/Yahoo simply because I send my readers and clients emails rich in valuable information and hyperlinks. That is NOT the action of a spammer, but Verizon et.al. ignores my complaints.

So I am left with protesting their bad practices in the only way left open to me, to refuse to communicate via email through those email service providers. If you use their services and want to communicate with me, I’m afraid you’ll have to find another email service provider. I can suggest Google’s Gmail or Microsoft’s Outlook.com. If you want premium enhanced email services such as MS Exchange integration, may I suggest Sherweb.com or Outlook.com.

Over the next few weeks, I will be purging my email subscription lists of all AOL.com, Verizon.net/Verizon.com and Yahoo.com email addresses. At some point soon, subscribers using those services will stop receiving my weekly digests. If you still want to receive my weekly digests and/or communicate with me via email, you will need to re-subscribe using an email address other than @aol.com, @verizon.com, @verizon.net or @yahoo.com.

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or by mailing a check/cash to PosiTek.net LLC 1934 Old Gallows Road, Suite 350, Tysons Corner VA 22182. I am not a non-profit, but your support helps me to continue delivering advice and consumer technology support to the public. Thanks!

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