Practical Help Library

  • Fake Amazon Email

    Fake Amazon Email

    Fake Amazon Email: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I received this email from, is it legit? In a word, no. No reputable business has any business sending you a zipfile (unless you deal with them regularly and have pre-arranged for the delivery via email of a file) for any reason. In the case of Amazon, their email notifications never use a file attachment. So on the face of it without digging any deeper I can tell you with confidence […]

  • Mac Backup Doesn't

    Mac Backup Doesn’t

    Mac Backup Doesn’t: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I have a Macbook Air and recently updated to El Capitan. An annoying problem has cropped up where my Time Machine doesn’t backup to my Apple Time Capsule. It used to work just fine before the upgrade and only took a few minutes. Can you help or should I just take everything into the Genius Bar and get them to figure it out? Before you haul your equipment off to the Apple […]

  • Keyboard not working

    Keyboard not working

    Keyboard not working: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I need some hints. My Dell all-in-one (XPS 2420) computer has been working just fine for years. All of the sudden my keyboard stopped working. I’m not sure what to do. If you have the original keyboard that came with your Dell, then it is a wireless keyboard. So the first thing I’d do is check that the little power switch hasn’t been accidentally turned off. That’s the chrome slider switch in […]

  • Annoying Updates

    Annoying Updates

    Annoying Updates: a reader asks… Do I have to update Java and Adobe Flash Player all the time? It seems like every day one or the other says it needs an update. I have a Windows 7 computer with Norton 360 on it, and I don’t do a whole lot with my computer. Just surfing the web, email mostly. These constant updates are really annoying! Well, I have to tell you that yes, you do have to do those updates. […]

  • Mac vs. PC, again

    Mac vs. PC, again

    Mac vs. PC, again: a reader asks… So my old HP is on its last leg — I can actually hear the chugging noise! I am looking at the new HP – 360 Envy 15 inch screens. I like the idea of tablet and PC functionality. Then in the back of my mind I wonder if now is the time to make the switch to an Apple platform? I’d like to hear your thoughts. It’s an age-old question of Mac […]

  • No Spin Hard Drive

    No Spin Hard Drive

    No Spin Hard Drive: a reader asks… I need a quick primer on hard drives please. SSD versus a standard hard drive. Why would I want to pay more for less space? In two words: reliability and performance. a traditional hard drive uses spinning platters inside the drive and a little arm that moves about to find the data bits stored on the platters. Those moving parts are subject to encountering (or causing) errors when the hard drive is moved […]

  • Connect to iTunes

    iPad disabled, options?

    iPad disabled, options? A reader asks… Hi Chris, my father somehow managed to lock up his iPad. Not only can he not unlock and use the iPad, but he doesn’t even see the number keypad when he turns the iPad on. It’s a 3rd generation iPad and he has a Logitech bluetooth keyboard. He’s had it about 2 years, and recently we updated it for him to iOS8. He’s had it working just for several weeks, and all of the sudden […]

  • Cloud Backup Backup

    Cloud Backup Backup

    Cloud Backup Backup: a reader asks… Hey Coach, can you help me? I use Dropbox and made a mistake. I deleted a file from my Dropbox and I need to get it back. The deletion has already synchronized across all my computers and devices so the file isn’t there anywhere anymore. Is there a way to get it back? In a word, yes! Dropbox keeps 30 days worth of backup on your files, and they make it pretty easy to […]

  • Fake Blue Screen of Death

    Fake Blue Screen of Death

    Fake Blue Screen of Death: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I’ve been getting the dreaded “Blue Screen of Death” on my computer at odd times, usually about once a day or every few days. Here’s a screenshot. Should I call the support number listed? I’m very worried my computer is really messed up. Also, how did this happen, I’m using the protection programs you recommended! Stop, do not proceed. This is a scam. I’m glad you sent me a screenshot. […]

  • Mac Photos to Dropbox

    Mac Photos to Dropbox

    Mac Photos to Dropbox: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I recently switched from Windows to a Mac. I’m having trouble working with photos. On the PC when I plugged in my camera, all my photos got put into My Pictures. When I do the same on the Mac, I don’t see the photos in the Finder window under Pictures, I can only see them in the Photos app. So here’s my problem. I want to put some photos into Dropbox […]

  • My PC is in Hospice

    My PC is in Hospice

    My PC is in Hospice: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I think my computer is in hospice and ready to die. It seems to crash a lot, sometimes with the dreaded BSOD, sometimes just restarting and showing me a “this computer has recovered from a serious error” message. Everything runs very slowly and surfing the internet is painful. It’s not got a virus, I have your recommended computer protection programs on it, but it’s really messing up – a lot. […]

  • Old-school Backup

    Old-school Backup

    Old-school Backup: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I’ve got a 2 year old Windows 7 laptop, and a brand new 2tb Passport external hard drive. I’m finally ready to follow your advice and backup my computer. I don’t want to store any files on the internet, but I want to be covered in case of disaster. Can you give me a quick how-to for backup? Congratulations, you’re joining about 3% of consumers who actually do backup. I should note that […]

  • I can't send AOL mail!

    I can’t send AOL mail!

    I can’t send AOL mail! a reader asks… Hi Chris, I was wondering if you might be able to determine why emails I am sending are bouncing back. I’ve attached a “non-delivery report” from one of my rejected emails. I use AOL for email, and have had problems sending to several email services including Cox, Comcast, and yours! Thanks for any help you can provide…   Anytime you send an email to someone and their email service provider rejects it, you should […]

  • Friend's Email Faked

    Friend’s Email Faked

    Friend’s Email Faked: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I received an email from someone I know, but the email was strange, just a few words and then a website address with a lot of characters. I clicked on the link which took me to a Microsoft website with a warning on it that said my computer was infected and to call a number. So I called the number and this guy said he was from Microsoft Tech Support, confirmed that […]

  • Mac to iPhone & Back

    Mac to iPhone & Back

    Mac to iPhone & Back: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I have an iMac and an iPhone. I’ve got my email, calendar and addressbook syncing between the two just fine, but is there a way I can either synchronize files or copy them from one to the other? Transferring or synchronizing files between different computers (and types of computers) can get a little complicated. Since you use all Apple devices, one way is to use AirDrop to pass files back […]

  • Vanity Domains

    Vanity Domains

    Vanity Domains: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I run a small business and up to now have been doing just fine with just a phone number and a gmail address. Everybody says I should be using my own domain name instead of gmail. Can you tell me what to do to make this happen? While your question is deceptively simple to ask, as you will see there are a lot of factors to consider in giving you a complete answer. […]

  • Quick Find for Windows 10

    Quick Find for Windows 10

    Quick Find for Windows 10: Seems like this week is chock full of Windows 10 questions! A reader asks… Hi Chris, I’m using Windows 10 now, and reasonably happy. But I haven’t taken the time to arrange tiles on the new Start menu, and it is a pain to click the All Programs and scroll down the list to find what I want. Is there a fast and easy way to open a program? The fastest way I can think […]

  • Hate Edge?

    Hate Edge?

    Hate Edge? a reader asks… I upgraded my laptop from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and I think it all works fine. There’s only one problem – I absolutely hate the new browser. I was happy using Internet Explorer 11, and I find this new “Edge” to be a real pain. What should I do? A quick and easy answer is to simply stop using Edge and start using IE11. Microsoft is pushing Edge on everybody, but Windows 10 still […]

  • Win10 Start Busted

    Win10 Start Busted

    Win10 Start Busted: a reader asks… Hi Chris, my Windows 10 computer has a problem. I can run any program that’s on my taskbar, and can right-click the desktop to get to control panel stuff, but clicking the Start button doesn’t do anything. Can you help? Windows 10 is getting better as Microsoft squashes bugs left and right. But there are still some glaring issues, and your busted Start menu could be indicative of one of them. But the first […]

  • Don't get Phished

    Don’t get Phished

    Don’t get Phished: A reader asks… Hi Chris, I’m hearing more and more about ‘phishing‘ and my company has even setup mandatory training for all employees. Before I go to that training, can you give me a quick primer on what it is and what to watch out for? I’m not sure why we are worrying about this, we’re just a small company. More and more companies are coming to the realization that if they hold sensitive information on their […]

  • Help Mom Email

    Help Mom Email

    Help Mom Email: a reader asks… My mother is 88 and is just getting into using modern technology. We tried giving her a laptop but she just finds it too complicated to use. So I got her a new iPad. It’s been a long and slow grind teaching her how to use it. She’s having trouble recognizing buttons and is having trouble using email. I set her up with a Gmail account but she really isn’t getting how it works. She […]

  • Windows 10 SNAFU

    Windows 10 SNAFU

    Windows 10 SNAFU: a reader asks… Hey Chris, I just upgraded my almost 5-year-old Dell Studio 1569 laptop from Windows 7 to Windows 10, taking the free upgrade. This is horrible! The computer seems ok for the first few minutes, but then slows to a ridiculously slow pace. Even moving the mouse takes 4-5 seconds from when I swipe the touchpad to when the on-screen cursor moves. It’s completely maddening! Can you help me fix this? You have been bitten […]

  • Use Night Shift

    Use Night Shift

    Use Night Shift: a reader asks… I’ve upgraded my iPhone to the latest version of iOS. Not having any problems, but I’ve heard about this new “Night Shift” mode. What is that, and how do I use that? When Apple released version 9.3 of the iPhone/iPad operating system, they touted a new feature called Night Shift that purportedly removes most of the blue light coming from your device’s screen. It casts a yellowish tint over everything displayed including the home […]

  • Current Version Woes

    Current Version Woes

    Current Version Woes: a reader asks… Hey Coach, I’m feeling crushed, I’m working along on my Windows laptop and get interrupted by updates all the time. Updates to Windows, Microsoft Office, my security programs, Java, Dell – it’s maddening! Most of the time I just x-out the window or ignore it because I’m too busy doing my job to worry about updating my computer. Is there a way to automate this process so I don’t have to mess with it? […]

  • Gmail iPhone App

    Gmail iPhone App

    Gmail iPhone App: a reader asks… Chris…Do you recommend I update to this mobile gmail app for my iphone? I am sure it is more insidious but may be better functionality?? What say ye IT Coach? This is Google’s attempt to get you further into their ecosphere. Not necessarily a bad thing, and for Android smartphone users probably not an issue, but as an iPhone user you need to decide for yourself if you want the 3 new features they […]

  • The Home Office

    The Home Office

    The Home Office: a reader asked… Hi Chris, I’ve recently retired and am setting up my own home-based business. Do you have some recommendations on what technology I need to outfit my new office? I will need to hold my clients’ private data and files securely, and need to be able to do the usual office-y things. Please assume I have nothing yet, and need everything. Oh, and I’m partial to Macs but not committed. Thank you! Your home-based business […]

  • Tunes in Airplane Mode

    Tunes in Airplane Mode

    Tunes in Airplane Mode: a reader asks… My iTunes on my iPhone 6s does not play on airplane mode when traveling. All the songs are on computer and iPad but did not transfer to my phone. I plugged phone into computer and still nothing! Suggestions? Portable devices like iPhones and iPads don’t have as much storage space for song files than computers, so Apple configured iTunes on your iPhone to not automatically sync your entire music library. If you think […]

  • Old Web Browser

    Old Web Browser

    Old Web Browser: a reader asks… I guess I’m a Luddite, I still use Internet Explorer on my Windows 7 computer. I keep seeing Microsoft trying to get me to upgrade to version 11, but I’m not sure why I should bother. I’m using version 10. Do I really need to upgrade? In a word, yes. Internet Explorer 10 is a security vulnerability waiting to happen. Microsoft ended supporting that (also older versions of IE, and also Windows 8) back […]

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