Practical Help Library

  • Is this legit?

    Is this legit?

    Is this legit? a reader asks… Sorry to bother you, but is this legit? It won’t close to let me out! I’m using an HP desktop PC. It’s a scam. I can see that it’s simply a web page, but I can’t see the entire screen so I’m guessing the hacker who designed this page set it so the x-out button at the top-right isn’t usable. Anybody who can code in HTML can create web pages that look like anything […]

  • Win10 Upgrade no-go

    Win10 Upgrade no-go

    Win10 Upgrade no-go: a reader asks… I have a Windows 7 laptop PC and have been trying to upgrade to Windows 10 before the deadline. Every time I try I get an error during the upgrade and the system rolls back to Windows 7. I really want to go to Windows 10 before the deadline. Is there a way I can fix this without paying someone for hours of work? Generally when the upgrade fails, it’s because there is some […]

  • When to buy

    When to buy

    When to buy: a reader asks… I’m thinking that it’s about time for me to get a new computer. My 2006 iMac has served me well, but the hard drive is failing and the monitor flickers. Plus, it’s slowed down as I’ve updated OS X, seems like I’m always seeing the spinning beach ball. I’m thinking a new iMac but am wondering if now’s the right time? The rumor mills for the release of a new iMac are pointing to […]

  • New Laptop Setup

    New Laptop Setup

    New Laptop Setup: a reader asks… I just received a new Dell laptop with Windows 10 on it for my birthday. Can you give me your secrets, a rundown of what I should to to set it up correctly and to get my files copied over from my old laptop? Here’s what I think you should do, updated from my older article New Laptop? for Windows 10 and my current recommendations. The first thing you should do is to set aside […]

  • Lost Files

    Lost Files

    Lost Files: a reader asks… Hi there! I messed up big!  So big I am hyperventilating a bit. But that’s probably when people email you. I got an HP Assistant message to create my system backup. I thought that I would do that on my external hard drive, which I use to store photos and documents. BUT what I did not realize is that creating the backup wipes the external hard drive and you are supposed to use a clean disc […]

  • Facebook un-friend

    Facebook un-friend

    Facebook un-friend: a reader asks… I use Facebook every day and have a huge group of friends. Unfortunately, one of these friends has started posting things I find really objectionable. I would like to unfriend them, but know that will cause a fight in real life which I’d like to avoid. Is there a way I can stop seeing their posts without unfriending them? Both Facebook and Twitter have a method of blocking someone’s posts from appearing in your feed […]

  • Win10 warning

    Win10 warning

    Win10 warning: a reader asks… I’ve been putting off taking the ‘free’ upgrade to Windows 10 (my 2-year old Dell laptop has Windows 7 on it). But I keep getting these popup warnings that Microsoft’s upgrade offer is ending in a couple of weeks. Today I just read about a security vulnerability that Microsoft just discovered and fixed that affects all versions of Windows – even Windows 10. So apparently Microsoft still has problems with security of their operating system. […]

  • Display problems

    Display problems

    Display problems: a reader asks… I have a Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop I purchased in 2012. Just recently a problem with the display developed. There’s a messed up vertical section that goes from top to bottom. I’d recently upgraded to Windows 10 so I thought that was the problem. I wiped the computer and started to re-install Windows 7 but am still getting the same vertical lines. What do I do? This type of a display problem is an indicator […]

  • Oops Sharing

    Oops Sharing

    Oops Sharing: a reader asks… Last night I realized some of my documents which I open from emails and then go to save ended up on a shared dropbox folder without me knowing or placing there! Is there a way to prevent this? I use a Macbook Air if that makes any difference. Your Mac tends to remember the last place you saved something, and when you save something new, it will be placed in the same folder as the last […]

  • Firefox & HTTPS

    Firefox & HTTPS

    Firefox & HTTPS: a reader asks… I think something’s wrong with Firefox. All of the sudden, it’s now telling me that every secure (https://blah blah blah) site I go to is unsecure – even! I get a message saying something along the lines of “Your connection is not secure, the owner [any secure website] has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.” I can’t believe that even Google has […]

  • Backup Beeps

    Backup Beeps

    Backup Beeps: a reader asks… I have sleep apnea and use a CPAP while I sleep. We have frequent brownouts. I have just purchased 2 UPS’s (Prolink Pro700SFT 650va). The brownouts usually last between 2 and 20 minutes. I wrote the Manufacturer but was told I can’t shut the alarm off. I want to disable or silence the alarm so I can continue to sleep uninterrupted. How do I do this? Thanks in advance for your assistance. First, I’m assuming you […]

  • Software Subscription

    Software Subscription

    Software Subscription: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I’ve noticed that more and more software is being sold as a ‘subscription’ where instead of a one-time purchase to buy the software, you pay every year and rent the software. What gives with this, and why should I go with renting software? There have been a number of changes in technology that have driven the switchover from software purchasing to the subscription model. The first place you saw subscription software was in […]

  • Windows 10 Hidden Bits

    Windows 10 Hidden Bits

    Windows 10 Hidden Bits: a reader asks… I recently upgraded to Windows 10 from 7, and darn it, I can’t find any of the control panel stuff. Where did Microsoft hide everything? With Windows 10, Microsoft elected to marry Windows 7-style Control Panel options with Windows 8.1-style control apps. I think it was a compromise between the old and the new, although it does seem unsatisfactory at providing a good power user experience. Minimal system control features are shown up-front, […]

  • Mac Refresh

    Mac Refresh

    Mac Refresh: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I have a 2012 Macbook Air with the latest MacOS on it (El Capitan). I use it everyday, I’ve kept it updated and everything works fine except for one problem: the battery doesn’t last very long anymore. When it was new, I could go all day before having to plug in, now it seems like I can’t go more than a couple hours before the battery indicator turns red. Is there a way […]

  • DVD Install on Mac

    DVD Install on Mac

    DVD Install on Mac: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I have a new iMac and am setting it up. I have some software that’s on a DVD to install, and my brand-new computer doesn’t come with a DVD drive. I also have an older iMac that does have a DVD drive in it. Is there any way to sort of daisy-chain the two Macs so I can get my software installed? There are a few ways to solve this problem, […]

  • Mac Filing

    Mac Filing

    Mac Filing: a reader asks… Thanks for your advice! I recently switched from a Sony VAIO PC to a MacBook Pro connected to a giant monitor on my desktop. I’m very pleased with its performance, but I have not read enough instructions yet to figure out how to make my own filing tree. It’s a little different from Windows! I’m happy that you’re satisfied with the Mac’s performance. That giant monitor is a real help, makes everything so much easier to […]

  • Windows on your Mac

    Windows on your Mac

    Windows on your Mac: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I’m switching from a Windows PC to a Mac. I’ve already made the decision and ordered my new Mac, but there’s a troubling wrinkle in my switchover. I have a few programs where either the Mac version is crappy (Quicken), or there really isn’t a good Mac alternative. I know that I could run BootCamp and have Windows also installed, but I hear that it’s a pain to switch. Is there […]

  • Win10 Tiles

    Win10 Tiles

    Win10 Tiles: a reader asks… I recently upgraded my PC from Windows 8.1 to 10. I have a touch-screen laptop and really liked the Start Screen with all its active tiles. Now in Windows 10 there’s just a few of them in the Start Menu (which came back from the Windows 7 days). Is there a way I can get more tiles to show, or perhaps go back to my Windows 8.1 Start Screen? For touchscreen users, Microsoft’s active tiles […]

  • Bu-bye CNN

    Bu-bye CNN

    Bu-bye CNN: a reader asks… I was surprised to see that the biggest news in Washington DC the other evening wasn’t on television. After Speaker Paul Ryan tried to cut off media attention to Democrats doing a Woodstock-era sit-in to advocate for some (any) gun control, mainstream media was cut off. But suddenly amateur video was popping up all over the internet, keeping the video and audio newsworthy event in the public eye. Politics aside, can you tell me what’s […]

  • New MF Printer

    New MF Printer

    New MF Printer: a reader asks… Hi Chris, my HP 8600 multi-function printer is dying. Do you have a recommendation for a replacement? I took a look at two so far from Staples: the HP Officejet Pro X576dw for $350 and the HP Color Laserjet pro M477fnw for $330. Can you see much difference between the two? The Officejet Pro is an inkjet printer like the one you have now. So it’s capable of printing photos (with photo paper). The […]

  • Data Blown

    Data Blown

    Data Blown: a reader asks… I hope you can help me! I have a kid in college (new this year) and am getting hit with big charges from Verizon for going over our family data plan. We have 12gb of data monthly with 4 phones, and until she started college, we never went over the data plan. Since she started school, every month I’ve been getting hit with overages and this month I got charged for double: 24gb of data […]

  • Win10 Recovery USB

    Win10 Recovery USB

    Win10 Recovery USB: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I realized that my Windows 10 recovery USB was quite old, so last night I decided to create a new one. I found the recovery drive window, clicked on “Back up system files to the recovery drive” and waited…and it was still running in the morning. Any idea what’s going on? Let’s first get some definitions in place here for the types of recovery items you can create in Windows.. For Windows 10, […]

  • Mac Pages vs Word

    Mac Pages vs Word

    Mac Pages vs Word: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I’m in the process of switching from Windows to a Mac. I’ve been using Microsoft Word for a long time now, but am not too happy about having to pay for the program again just to use it on a Mac. My new Mac has this program called Pages which does word processing, can I use that with my Word documents? Are there any ‘gotchas’? One of the really nice thing […]

  • Windows Explorer Cache

    Windows Explorer Cache

    Windows Explorer Cache: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I’ve got a problem with my Windows 7 computer. I have a drive setup just for photos, and everything was working just fine. But recently when I add new photos the thumbnails don’t show, I get a generic image icon. I’ve got Windows Explorer set to show large icons, and it’s always worked well in the past for me. Got any tips for helping me fix this problem? Microsoft Windows creates thumbnail […]

  • Slow Mac

    Slow Mac

    Slow Mac: a reader asks… My 2-year-old Macbook Pro has been operating slow as of late. It seems like it takes a long time to boot up, and programs load very slowly. I also see that spinning beach ball a lot more often than I used to. Is there something I can do to speed it up back to normal? Over time and with use, all computers can easily fall prey to slowing down. We all have a penchant for […]

  • Win10 System Image

    Win10 System Image

    Win10 System Image: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I upgraded to Windows 10 recently. Previously on Windows 7 I took your advice and have been doing regular backups using the built-in Windows backup. I’ve also been periodically making System Images. Now that I’m on Windows 10, the new File History seems to be working fine, but I can’t make System Images any longer. Any tips? First off, in Windows 10, Microsoft has thoughtfully included the legacy system image creation feature, […]

  • Safe Paying

    Safe Paying

    Safe Paying: a reader asks… Hi Chris, can you tell me what’s safer? Chip cards versus swipe cards versus Apple Pay versus Samsung Pay? The first thing to recognize is that safety is not an absolute. There’s no 100% guarantee that any method of payment (even cash) is going to be completely safe. The second thing to recognize is that relative safety drops as more institutions have your financial information. The news is awash in hacks by retailers, financial institutions, […]

  • Advert Badvert

    Advert Badvert

    Advert Badvert: a reader asks… Hey Coach, I’ve been reading about malware built into advertising and I see you have ads on your website. How do you keep your website safe and how do I keep from getting hit with malware in advertising? Advertisements are (unfortunately) the only way most websites have of making any money to stay in business. After all, almost nobody would be willing to pay to read the content on most any news or information website. […]

  • Mac no copy/paste

    Mac no copy/paste

    Mac no copy/paste: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I can’t seem to copy and paste from browsers on my Mac. I tried Chrome and Safari. I’ve been trying to troubleshoot. I can copy and paste stuff from pages and from other programs, but when I try to copy a URL it doesn’t. Any tips? It seems this is a rarely-occurring bug that affects a small group of users, and appears across a variety of versions of OS X. What appears to […]

  • 2-factor spoofing

    2-factor spoofing

    2-factor spoofing: a reader asks… I hear you about using 2-factor authentication and have been looking at the online places I visit to see if they offer it. I just turned it on for my gmail account. But someone told me that hackers are able to defeat this security method, so I’m wondering if the extra hassle is worth it? In a word, yes, it’s worth it. What your friend was probably referring to was a tweet put out by Alex […]

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