Practical Help Library

  • Browser Padlock

    Browser Padlock

    Browser Padlock: a reader asks… Hi Chris, some websites I visit have a green padlock (like your website) and some don’t. I know it has something do do with security, but can you give me a quick primer? Sounds like you’re using the Google Chrome web browser (or perhaps Firefox). The green padlock to the left of the URL lets you know that every bit of data that passes between your computer and that website is encrypted so hackers can’t […]

  • Photo Resizing

    Photo Resizing

    Photo Resizing: a reader asks… Can I ask you a quick question and if there is a simple answer, will you tell me?  I am trying to attach photos on-line to a site but they have to be 5MBs or less and everything I have seems to be way more.  Is there an easy way to make them 5MBs? I use a Windows 7 PC. Let me give you the simple answer first, and then go into some detail. First, […]

  • Macbook Air puffed out

    Macbook Air puffed out

    Macbook Air puffed out: a reader asks… Hi Chris, my 2011 Macbook Air started developing a problem last week and it’s getting worse. Last week I noticed that the left side of the trackpad wasn’t clicking anymore. This week the lid won’t close all the way and it looks like the case is warped. What should I do? Sounds like you’ve got a case of the expanding (puffy) battery. The picture you sent doesn’t look too bad, I’ve seen expanding […]

  • Safari Crash Fix

    Safari Crash Fix

    Safari Crash Fix: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I’ve been experiencing an intermittent problem with both my Mac and my iPhone. When I run Safari, sometimes it just crashes and shuts down for no reason I can figure out. This happens when I type in something to search for in the URL bar but doesn’t happen when I type in a website address. Do you have a quick fix for this? Apple’s default web browser on the Mac and iOS, […]

  • Windows 10 Standard User

    Windows 10 Standard User

    Windows 10 Standard User: a reader asks… I have a new computer with Windows 10 on it. Everybody says to use a ‘Standard’ account for everyday use, and don’t log into your ‘Administrator’ account. I know I could do this easily in Windows 7, but I’m stumped on what to do in Windows 10. Can you point me in the right direction? Microsoft really has made things both easier and harder for folks with Windows 10. Likely you created a […]

  • Fake AmEx emails

    Fake AmEx emails

    Fake AmEx emails: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I’m getting more suspicious all the time, thanks to you! Can you please verify that the email I’ve forwarded to you is a fake? It’s from American Express and warns me about a problem with my account. I don’t want to go someplace and find that my AmEx card won’t work, but I’m afraid to click on anything in the message. You are right to be wary, the email is a stone-cold […]

  • Make a boot USB

    Make a boot USB

    Make a boot USB: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I’ve got a problem. I have a Windows Ultrabook and want to wipe the SSD and install Windows fresh. I don’t have any system restore feature I can find. This was a former work computer that got re-imaged. I do have a valid, unused Windows 7 installation DVD, but the ultrabook doesn’t have a DVD drive. I’ve got a desktop PC with a DVD drive though. I’ve been looking online for […]

  • Mac Maintenance

    Mac Maintenance

    Mac Maintenance: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I have a 2-year-old Macbook Pro and the operating system is version 10.9.6. Since I got the Mac I have just been doing the usual, surfing the internet, online shopping, email (I use Mac Mail and a gmail account), along with a few other things I’ve installed over the years. I never really thought about maintenance, since when I switched over from Windows, the Apple guy said Macs don’t need all the work […]

  • Dead Laptop Display

    Dead Laptop Display

    Dead Laptop Display: a reader asks… Hi Chris, my laptop (a 2-3 year old Dell XPS 15) and the monitor stopped working. Can you give me some advice on what to do? Laptops are by design, engineered with specialty parts. The manufacturers have to do this in order to get everything to fit into the laptop form factor. So hardware repairs can be tricky. I would not suggest you do this yourself, but have it repaired by a reputable repair […]

  • AutoReply=Bad Juju

    AutoReply=Bad Juju

    AutoReply=Bad Juju: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I’m a small business that has a contact form on my website. I turned on my web host’s autoresponse so that anyone who uses the online form gets an email answer but then all hell broke loose. I started getting dozens of emails, non-delivery reports and such. Is there a way to do this so I can avoid all that mess? Actually, the best way to avoid that mess is to dispense with […]

  • Unlock iPad Redux

    Unlock iPad Redux

    Unlock iPad Redux: a reader asks… Unlock iPad? I’ve read your instructions on the subject however I’m not feeling confident about being able to carry them out. If I take the iPad to an Apple Store can they unlock it for me? The Apple Support Community has plenty of horror stories about how Genius Bar people won’t help unlock a ‘bricked’ iOS device. That said, you should probably start off by using chat or telephone support at and see what they […]

  • Horizontal Line in Word

    Horizontal Line in Word

    Horizontal Line in Word: a reader asked… Hi Coach, I use Microsoft Word 2010, and want to have a horizontal line to separate text in a manuscript I’m working on. I don’t see that command in my ribbon bar (it’s in the one in Outlook though). I’ve been using tables with the bottom border, but that’s kind of klugy to me. Got a better answer? I’ve got two for you. Since you already use Outlook and that horizontal line button […]

  • Bu-bye Windows 8

    Bu-bye Windows 8

    Bu-bye Windows 8: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I bought a new laptop PC in March 2013, with Windows 8. I haven’t bothered to upgrade it to the 8.1 update that Microsoft put out, and now I see a Windows 10 update being offered. My PC is working ok, should I upgrade or keep what I’ve got going? And if you say to upgrade, which one should I do? Houston, you have a problem. Windows 8 (for just about everyone besides […]

  • Facebook Privacy

    Facebook Privacy

    Facebook Privacy: a reader asks… Hi Chris, what settings do you recommend for Facebook to ensure my best privacy protection? The first thing you should do to best protect your privacy is to limit your list of ‘friends’ on Facebook. Unless you’re using Facebook as a public blog distribution platform, you should never be friends with anyone you don’t know in the physical world. And don’t be overly friendly even with people you know, but aren’t really friends with. Facebook […]

  • Windows 10 Wi-Fi Sense

    Windows 10 Wi-Fi Sense

    Windows 10 Wi-Fi Sense: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I upgraded to Windows 10 and for the most part am happy. But one thing bugs me: it automatically shares my wifi with everybody I know. How do I turn this so-called feature off? You’re talking about Wi-Fi Sense, a new feature of Windows 10 that automatically shares your Wi-Fi password with your contacts (Facebook, Skype & Outlook). It’s only activated if you’ve also taken Microsoft’s bait to create and use a Microsoft […]

  • FIOS outage

    FIOS outage

    FIOS outage: a reader asks… I have a Verizon FIOS connection at home. The router (with an Orange band) is connected to the FIOS service via Coax cable. One day when the internet connection failed, I found a yellow cable connected to one of the ports; other end was loose. I connected it to the port marked Ethernet. Is that correct? My laptop’s internet is still not working. We do not have any computer connected directly to the router. First, […]

  • Missing reply button

    Missing reply button

    Missing reply button: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I’m having trouble with email in Outlook 2010. I’ve lost the button to reply to incoming emails, so the only way I can reply to an email is to close it and then use the reply button on the main Outlook screen. I also can’t delete an email when it’s open. It’s a time waster. Can you tell me what’s wrong and how to fix this? Normally, your Outlook message window has a […]

  • Ransom32 - Mac, Win & Linux

    Ransom32 – Mac, Win & Linux

    Ransom32 – Mac, Win & Linux: A new version of ransomware has popped up, and this hacker tool threatens not just Microsoft Windows computers, but also Mac and Linux computers. The bad actors who created this monster made it in Javascript so it’s out there affecting Windows computer users right now. It’s quite possible that the program has been or will be re-formulated into versions that will run on Mac and Linux as well. I wrote about this last November […]

  • LastPass 4.0

    LastPass 4.0

    LastPass 4.0: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I followed your advice and set myself up with LastPass awhile back. I just got an email saying that there’s a new version 4.0 out. Should i update to the latest version? Is there any downside to sticking with the version I have now (3.2)? I’m glad you took the step to protect your digital life and identity with a password manager. Products like LastPass are really the only way we can protect […]

  • Character Typing

    Character Typing

    Character Typing: a reader asks… Hi Chris, when I get or see emails, documents, news articles and other online publications, they sometimes have special characters in them that aren’t on a standard keyboard. Can you tell me how to type those things in please? There are a ton of special characters that you can display, such as the registered symbol ®, copyright symbol ©, and the inverted question mark ¿. Characters like this are part of the extended ASCII character […]

  • Undisclosed Recipients

    Undisclosed Recipients

    Undisclosed Recipients: a reader asks… Hi Chris, I get these emails that are addressed to “Undisclosed Recipients”. They’re mostly newsletters and blast emails that go out to lots of people. Is there a way I can send email like this? I’d like to email everybody in my addressbook with a new phone number. First let me warn you that this method of sending email is a popular way that spammers send out their junk email, so you should use it carefully. […]

  • Your resume in 2016

    Your resume in 2016

    Your resume in 2016: While technically not a consumer technology subject, I often get asked to look at someone’s resume. Students, seasoned professionals, and even executives have had me give their resume a once-over or a more extensive fix-up job. Over the years I’ve refined a tight set of tips for how to make your resume sing to that recruiter or potential boss. Without further ado, here’s my top 10 list for the new year: Brevity is King/Queen: No matter how […]

  • Fix my Windows 7!

    Fix my Windows 7!

    Fix my Windows 7! A reader asks… Hi Chris, my Windows 7 computer suffered a hard drive failure. Before the system failed, I followed your advice and created a system image of my drive, and also created a System Repair Disc. I replaced the hard drive, booted to the repair disc and used the system image to bring my computer back up to what it was before. It worked! Windows and my installed programs and my personal files all came […]

  • Mac OS X El Capitan

    Mac OS X El Capitan

    Mac OS X El Capitan: A reader asks… Coach, my 2011 Macbook Pro has been working fine with OS X 10.9 (Mavericks). I see that the current version is 10.11 (El Capitan), so I’m now a few versions behind – apparently I missed 10.10 (Yosemite). Do I need to upgrade to the latest version or can I just update to 10.10? Should I even bother since my Mac is working fine? One thing about Apple, they have been diligent about […]

  • Slow Internet Fix

    Slow Internet Fix

    Slow Internet Fix: a reader asks… Hi Chris, my Windows 7 computer seems to be having a problem – the internet is really slow. I have a Cox/Cisco cablemodem and a Linksys router with an ethernet cable running from the router to my computer. Do you have a quick fix? It’s easy to attribute slow internet to your service provider (in this case Cox), and it may very well be that their service is having problems. But before you give […]

  • iPhone Battery Life

    iPhone Battery Life

    iPhone Battery Life: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I have an iPhone that’s less than a year old, but won’t last a day – my battery life sucks. Can you tell me what I can do to get more life out of my battery? Regardless of which model iPhone you have, the problem of battery life is going to rear its ugly head from time to time. For many people, the answer is to plug it in every chance they […]

  • Windows 10 Go-No-go

    Windows 10 Go-No-go

    Windows 10 Go/No-go: a reader asks… Hi Chris, my Windows 7 desktop computer is working, but not well. I had a hard drive that was failing, so I followed your instructions to swap it out for a new SSD. My computer boots up a lot faster and programs do load quicker, but I’m still getting lots of errors, things like ‘script‘ errors, low virtual memory, the computer crashes with a blue screen, and slow operation sometimes. What should I do? […]

  • Wireless keyboard fix

    Wireless keyboard fix

    Wireless keyboard fix: a reader asks… Hi Coach, I’ve got a desktop computer and have a wireless keyboard and mouse. Everything’s been working great for awhile, but all the sudden the keyboard stopped working. The mouse is still working though. What can I do to fix this? Let me first suggest that you replace the batteries on the keyboard, since that’s the most likely reason why it stopped working. Some wireless keyboards have a physical power switch that can be […]

  • No Conversation View

    No Conversation View

    No Conversation View: A reader asks… I recently dumped my Blackberry for an iPhone (not my choice, my employer’s). It’s been a pain getting used to all the differences, but one thing really bugs me – the email display of messages. All the related emails show up on the list just as one item. You tap that and see another list of emails. I hate this, both on my iPhone and in Gmail! Can I turn that off and see […]

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