Practical Help Library

  • Firestick with Analog Snafu

    Firestick with Analog Snafu

    Firestick with Analog Snafu: a reader asks… I want to hook my firestick to my Panasonic Projector PT-AE500U. The Projector and my receiver Onkyo HT-R510 only have component hook up.  I bought XF Times HDMI to YPbPr+Audio converter. I plugged the Firestick into the converter HDMI side then ran my component cables to the receiver input. No picture! What am I doing wrong? Most likely the video problem you’re experiencing is that with analog connections (like your YPbPr RCA cables from […]

  • Win10 Stuck Restart

    Win10 Stuck Restart

    Win10 Stuck Restart: a reader asks… My Windows 10 computer notified me that it had to do some updates and restart. I went ahead and hit the restart control, but now I have a blue screen with the circling dots and “Restarting”. It’s been going on for hours now. What should I do? Sometimes the restart process gets stuck (this has been happening to Windows since as far back as I can remember). The fix is pretty simple, press your […]

  • Battery Conditioning

    Battery Conditioning

    Battery Conditioning: a reader asks… I’ve recently acquired a new smartphone. I’ve read about the problems with battery life and longevity. What should I do to make sure my battery gives as good service as it can? Battery technology has advanced quite a bit over the years. In the old days of Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cad) batteries, you had to pre-condition them by fully charging before first use, and then periodically drain them down fully to re-condition them and ensure you get […]

  • Domain Name Reservations

    Domain Name Reservations

    Domain Name Reservations: a reader asks… I am a small business owner and have a website that was setup by someone who used to work for me. They’re long gone now and I don’t have anyone with skills in this area. I think I can handle making updates to the website itself (it’s on “WordPress”), but something came up and I don’t know what to do. I received an email saying that my ‘domain name reservation’ was due to expire […]

  • New Version Malwarebytes

    New Version Malwarebytes

    New Version Malwarebytes: a reader asks… I followed your advice about installing Malwarebyes 3 on my Windows 10 computer to run alongside Windows Defender. It’s been running fine for over a year now and no problems. My question is, when will Malwarebytes issue a new version? I’m using version 3.3.1. Malwarebytes issues new versions usually about every three months or so. If you hover your mouse over the Malwarebytes icon that’s sitting in your system notification area, you’ll see a […]

  • Garage Firestick

    Garage Firestick

    Garage Firestick: a reader asks… Here is a link to my monitor: Thank you for providing this service. I wanted to use this monitor as a tv in my garage using the fire stick. As you can see on page 12 there is only one HDMI and no audio out. I have a small amplifier to power two speakers. Is there a way to get the audio to the amp? The monitor speakers are tinny at best. Any help will be much […]

  • Fake Phone Call

    Fake Phone Call

    Fake Phone Call: a reader asks… I got a call yesterday, from someone saying they’re from Microsoft Tech Support. They said my computer was infected and their system determined that it needed to be cleaned. They then asked me to let them remotely access my computer so they could clean it up, but didn’t mention how much that would cost. At that point I got a little scared and hung up on them. If they call again what should I […]

  • Fake Email Voicemail

    Fake Email Voicemail

    Fake Email Voicemail: a reader asks… I received a strange email from Microsoft with an attached pdf. What should I do with this? Don’t open the file attachment. Do not pass go, do not collect malware on your computer (sic). This is a phishing attempt to get you to compromise your computer security. Nefarious hackers are very creative in the ways they’ll attempt to get you to bypass any security you’ve added to your computer. Based on your screenshot, you […]

  • Printer Economics

    Printer Economics

    Printer Economics: a reader asks… I have an HP Envy 5660 printer I’ve been using for printing everything. I really hate it that I have to keep replacing the ink cartridges often. I have an older HP Laserjet 1320 printer that my husband used years ago, but it’s just been sitting. Should I replace my ink jet printer with the laserjet – will it save me money? I have a Windows 10 PC. The Laserjet will be much more economical […]

  • Buh-bye Vista

    Buh-bye Vista

    Buh-bye Vista: a reader asks… I have an older Windows Vista PC that I need to get rid of. I have a new Windows 10 PC. What should I do at this point? Since Microsoft stopped providing updates more than a year ago, Windows Vista has been off life-support and really, nobody should be using that version of Windows any longer, any more than Windows XP. So yes, it’s time to get rid of that old PC. I doubt you’ll […]

  • What is Sneakernet

    What is Sneakernet

    What is Sneakernet: a reader asks… I must be missing something. I’ve heard of Internet, Ethernet, and even Intranet, but someone told me a new one yesterday. “Sneakernet”. What does it mean? Nowadays with cloud-based file storage and sharing services so ubiquitous, it’s pretty trivial to share files between colleagues and friends. It didn’t use to be that way. When someone wanted to send a very large file (that wouldn’t go via email) or a bunch of files, they would […]

  • My Little PC

    My Little PC

    My Little PC: a reader asks… I’ve been using these big desktop CPUs for years now (don’t need or want a laptop). A friend (ok, you) showed me a ‘micro PC’ that looks really nice and takes up a sliver of space compared to normal. Can you tell me more about it and how I might get one for my next PC upgrade? Sure! We’re talking about the Dell Optiplex series of Windows computers, that come in various sizes including […]

  • iPhone Photo Sync to Windows

    iPhone Photo Sync to Windows

    iPhone Photo Sync to Windows: a reader asks… Since my computer upgraded itself to Windows 10, I haven’t been able to download any photos. It doesn’t recognize my iphone. I’m very frustrated! You don’t say how you’re been connecting your iPhone to Windows, so I’m just guessing, but have you still been plugging the USB cable to connect your iPhone physically with iTunes on your PC? That is the old, legacy way of doing things. A good 10 years ago, […]

  • Dropbox Noodge

    Dropbox Noodge

    Dropbox Noodge: a reader asks… I’ve been invited to upload my own photos from a recent group trip to a Dropbox account of a friend. Unfortunately, I only have a personal account and it’s full. Even though my friend’s Dropbox account has plenty of space, Dropbox won’t let me upload my files to his account. Is there a solution without me having to buy more Dropbox space? Unfortunately, the solution is one or more workarounds. This is the most annoying […]

  • KISS my Mac Calendar

    KISS my Mac Calendar

    KISS my Mac Calendar: a reader asks… I use Mac calendar and have several different calendars for different purposes like work, personal, volunteer, etc. It’s nice because I like that my events are in different colors for each purpose, but still show on one calendar (and this shows the same on my iPhone/iPad). Helps keep me from double-booking appointments or otherwise screwing something up. Some of my friends and colleagues use Google calendar and send me appointment invitations. It looks […]

  • Color-code Outlook

    Color-code Outlook

    Color-code Outlook: a reader asks… I use Outlook 2016 and use that to collect email from several different email accounts. Sometimes I have email forwarded from a secondary account to a primary account, and sometimes I have Outlook poll the secondary account directly. I like having all mail come to one inbox but it can get a little confusing at times as to which emails came from where. Is there an easy way to differentiate the emails based on what […]

  • Adding RAM

    Adding RAM

    Adding RAM: a reader asks… I have several desktop PCs that aren’t very old, have Windows 10 on them, but don’t have enough RAM. What’s the easiest way to increase their RAM? Since they are desktop PCs, the physical method is pretty easy. Pop the side cover and locate the slots for the memory modules – there should be 4 of them, and one or two will already have modules inserted. Slide the new modules into the empty slots, being […]

  • Windows 10 Power Options

    Windows 10 Power Options

    Windows 10 Power Options: a reader asks… I have a new Dell Windows 10 PC (an Inspiron laptop with SSD hard drive) and have followed your instructions for setting it up. I’m using a Microsoft account (set as Standard user), have another Admin user account, and went through the Windows 10 setup, turning off everything I could in the Microsoft initial configuration crap. Now I’m at the point where Windows 10 is running normally, I’ve applied all the updates and […]

  • Secure Erase Computer

    Secure Erase Computer

    Secure Erase Computer: a reader asks… I have an older computer that I’m getting ready to replace. I get that it’s probably for the recycle center since donation options have dried up. I’ve already copied off all my personal files, but I’d like to make sure the data is securely wiped off the hard drive before I get rid of it. If your computer is a Mac, then check out an article I wrote about how to securely erase all […]

  • Mac Mail Messed

    Mac Mail Messed

    Mac Mail Messed: a reader asks… I have an iMac (High Sierra) and use the Mac Mail app with my email account. All the sudden one day, it stopped working right. I can receive email but not send email. The error messages says something like “relay not permitted”. What should I do? It sounds like the mail sending settings got messed up. This can happen sometimes if there’s a ‘hiccup’ in your internet access while the mail app is […]

  • The case for a Case

    The case for a Case

    The case for a Case: a reader asks… I’m sort of klutzy, I seem to drop my smartphone a lot. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to have the screen replaced because it cracked, even with a case on it. Is there something else I can do? You may not be using the right kind of case for your situation. Many of the minimalist cases are great, they give you some measure of protection without adding […]

  • EWS for PC

    EWS for PC

    EWS for PC: a reader asks… I’ve been noticing lately that my Windows 10 computer slows down to a crawl after a few days of running. Restarting it seems to fix the problem, but temporarily. Is there something I can do about it? I too have noticed that since the latest update to Windows 10 (version 1709) was installed, that my PCs have been experiencing similar problems. A look at task manager shows that sometimes the disk usage pegs out […]

  • My New PC

    My New PC

    My New PC: a reader asks… I just received a new Windows 10 PC as a gift. It’s a Dell Inspiron, and is set to replace my old computer (also a Dell desktop). I already have a nice LCD screen, keyboard and mouse and speakers which I can reuse. I’m a student btw. I have an MS Office 365 subscription, and I have a Microsoft account already (tied to that subscription). I use Gmail for email and such, and a […]

  • Google Drive now Backup & Sync

    Google Drive now Backup & Sync

    Google Drive now Backup & Sync: a reader asks… I’ve been using Google drive for awhile now, but noticed that Google changed the app, it’s now called “Backup & Sync”. I’ve been storing files in the Google Drive folder for a long time now and that’s been a great way for me to keep my important files backed up. Does the new app change things? If you were previously using Google Drive and upgraded to Backup & Sync, then you […]

  • logos courtesy of

    Spectre & Meltdown Updates

    Spectre & Meltdown Updates: a reader asks… I’ve been reading about two serious-sounding hardware vulnerabilities, Spectre and Meltdown. Just the other day I read about Microsoft issuing a new patch that undoes the patch they issued on January 3rd. What gives, and what should I do? It’s an understatement to say this situation is all fouled up. I last wrote about this on January 3rd in my article Your Processor Leaks, so consider this an update to that. Intel ‘fessed […]

  • Easy Backup with Cloud Storage

    Easy Backup with Cloud Storage

    Easy Backup with Cloud Storage: A reader asks… I’m planning on using Dropbox with expanded storage on my Windows 10 PC. Is there a way I can do this and make things easy so everything is backed up? Dropbox works very simply, it creates a folder on your hard drive, in your user directory, called Dropbox. Anything you put in there gets synchronized with an online set. That’s files and folders. When you change a file or folder on your […]

  • Windows 10 using DISM

    Windows 10 using DISM

    Windows 10 using DISM: a reader asks… I have a Windows 10 computer that’s running a little wonky these days. I have your recommended security protection, keep up-to-date on Windows Updates and such, so I’m not sure what’s going on. I read online about using a program called “DISM”, can you tell me what that is and how to use it? Per Microsoft, DISM stands for Deployment Image Servicing and Management and is an old-style DOS command-line tool that is used […]

  • Lost my Shortcut Arrow

    Lost my Shortcut Arrow

    Lost my Shortcut Arrow: a reader asks… I’ve been using Windows 10 for awhile now and just noticed that icons on my desktop no longer show the little arrow that indicates they are shortcuts. I don’t know what happened, but is there a way I can get that indicator back? Microsoft windows uses icons – small pictures that represent files or programs. Sometimes the actual file is located in one place on your hard drive and a shortcut is shown […]

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