Practical Help Library

  • iPhone Time-Out

    iPhone Time-Out

    iPhone Time-Out: a reader asks… Here is a question I haven’t found the answer to: IPhone 6–I have the phone set to time out and go dark at 5 minutes.  If I do not use the phone for a minute or two, it goes dark and I have to then open it with either my fingerprint or inputting my password. Before if it went dark, all I had to do was press the home button, but now that brings me to the […]

  • iPhone Text Size

    iPhone Text Size

    iPhone Text Size: a reader asks… I have an iPhone 6s that my son got me. It’s nice and all, but the text size is just a smidge too teeny-tiny for my old eyes. Is there an easy way to make the text a little bigger? Yes, and it’s easy to make this change. There are a ton of accessibility settings you can try out, but lets focus on just the one to make text a tad larger. Tap the […]

  • Outlook Password

    Outlook Password

    Outlook Password: a reader asks… I was using my Windows 7 PC with Outlook 2010 running and all the sudden a little window pops up asking for my Verizon password. I shut it down and kept working but it keeps coming back! What should I do? Here’s a picture of the window. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you were typing something when that window came up. Anytime Outlook has trouble connecting to your email […]

  • ThumbDrive Write

    ThumbDrive Write

    ThumbDrive Write: a reader asks… I received a thumb drive from someone that supposedly had some files on it for me, but they aren’t there! The sender swears he copied files from his Mac to the thumbdrive before giving it to me. I use a Windows (10) computer. What gives? Not all Mac users realize this little fact, but the ‘format’ of the thumbdrive is critical to whether or not the Mac can write files to it or not. Most […]

  • No Facetime

    No Facetime

    No Facetime: a reader asks… I’m having trouble using Facetime on my iPhone. Sometimes it works sometimes not. It seems there are certain people it won’t work with, even though they have an iPhone or iPad. And sometimes folks tell me they can’t Facetime with me. There doesn’t seem to be any pattern as to when or why. Any ideas? The two biggest reasons why Facetime doesn’t work are pretty straightforward. The first reason is that someone doesn’t have Facetime […]

  • Fake claim: Bose Spyphones

    Fake claim: Bose Spyphones

    Fake claim: Bose Spyphones: a reader asks… I have a pair of Bose headphones which I use on airplanes for blessed silence while in-flight. I recently read about my headphones spying on me ( Do I need to worry? Umm, no. I’m calling that article and others like it ‘clickbait’. The title reads falsely. Your Bose headphones have no capability to do any spying on you. All they can do is cut ambient noise down, and when connected to your […]

  • Time Capsule Not Working

    Time Capsule Not Working

    Time Capsule Not Working: a reader asks… I have several older Macbook Air computers at home in the family, and I also bought a Time Capsule so they’d all automatically back up with the Time Machine app. I just checked, and none of the Macs are backing up, they say they can’t. I have Time Machine turned on and the Time Capsule is powered on and connected to my home network. What can I do to get Time Machine working […]

  • Mac First Aid

    Mac First Aid

    Mac First Aid: a reader asks… My Mac is not working correctly, I’m getting some odd errors, such as apps that won’t quit, shutdown problems, and generally slow operation. Is there anything I can do to quickly get it back up and running normally? I am running Sierra on my 2-year-old Macbook Pro. Fortunately, MacOS has a nifty utility that you can run, called “First Aid”. Older versions of OS X (the Mac operating system before the current ‘Sierra’ version) […]

  • My Computer's folders

    My Computer’s folders

    My Computer’s folders: a reader asks… I have two Windows 10 computers and am worried about losing my personal files. I would also like for them to have the same exact files in the personal folders, and keep them synchronized. Is there an easy way for me to have all my personal files automatically backed up to the cloud? I use Dropbox and have plenty of space for the files, but I don’t want to have to copy everything from […]

  • Lotsa Favorites

    Lotsa Favorites

    Lotsa Favorites: a reader asks… I have a PC with Windows 10 and I’ve noticed a problem. My Favorites folder keeps filling up with tons of duplicate folders. They’re all empty. I keep deleting them but they come back. This is maddening and it’s clogging up my computer – I don’t even use Internet Explorer favorites! It’s a mystery, can you solve it? Actually I can. You also have iCloud installed on your PC, and in the iCloud control panel […]

  • Logitech Mouse

    Logitech Mouse

    Logitech Mouse: a reader asks… I just bought a new Logitech MX Master mouse for my Windows 10 computer. There’s really no manual in the box, but there’s a pictograph on the cover telling me how to set it up. I followed that and it works ok. But the last step (step 5) says to go to I did that but got a ‘page not found’ error. What should I do now? Fortunately for you, your mouse will work […]

  • FIOS Remote

    FIOS Remote

    FIOS Remote: a reader asks… I have a simple question. The remote that came with my FIOS service has two buttons, one for TV and one for the STB (FIOS box). It came with a printed manual that I can’t make sense of. How can I get my FIOS remote to turn my TV on and off, and control the volume of the TV speakers? My TV is a Samsung 40″ flatscreen TV that’s about 4 years old, model LN40C630K1F. […]

  • Mac to PC with iPhone

    Mac to PC with iPhone

    Mac to PC with iPhone: a reader asks… I’m moving from a Mac to a PC. I use Gmail and Google Chrome, and I have an iPhone. What do I need to do to move over my iTunes library? I have iTunes Match and a lot of music in iTunes, both albums I’ve ripped and music I bought from the iTunes Store. It’s all backed up to iCloud. With iTunes syncing to iCloud (and iTunes Match covering most/all your ripped […]

  • Kids disabled my iPhone

    Kids disabled my iPhone

    Kids disabled my iPhone: a reader asks… We have an old iphone6 left around the house after a previous upgrade. We use it to let the kids play music,  take pics and play some of their games. Some how, sometime in the last couple days a passcode has been entered and it is now saying it has been “disabled”. I’m assuming one of the kids has been trying to play. I know my active line just did an update but I […]

  • Win10 Setup

    Win10 Setup

    Win10 Setup: a reader asks… I just got a new Windows 10 computer and am about to power it on for the first time. Can you run me through the initial setup screens so I set it up right? Sure! The first screen you’ll see will ask you where you are, what language you use, what keyboard version to use and what time zone you are in. That’s all pretty straightforward, you want to answer these questions, then click the […]

  • Poor Eyesight

    Poor Eyesight

    Poor Eyesight: a reader asks… I am a senior who’s eyesight is failing. I have recently switched from a laptop computer to an iPad. I’m getting used to it, but the one thing that’s bothering me is the darn size of everything on the iPad – it’s so small! Is there a way to make things bigger, some sort of controls I can turn on and off when I need them? Absolutely! On the iPad, tap the Settings icon, and […]

  • Connecting Wires

    Connecting Wires

    Connecting Wires: a reader asks… Can you give me a quick rundown of the types of wires, jacks, and ports I might encounter using personal computers, home networking equipment, home theater systems and smartphones? I have a box full of various cables and such and am not sure what goes with what. I’m going to assume you’re in the US, so I won’t cover international power plug options. If you want more info on those, you can look through for […]

  • Protect Win on Mac

    Protect Win on Mac

    Protect Win on Mac: a reader asks… I have an iMac with Parallels and Windows 10. I only use Windows for a few programs that aren’t available (or suitable versions) for Mac. Do I need to add your recommended Bitdefender and Malwarebytes on my Windows installation? As long as you’re limiting your use of Windows 10 to a few applications and not using it to surf the web, you should be adequately protected by the built-in Windows Defender for Windows […]

  • Don't Answer

    Don’t Answer

    Don’t Answer: a reader asks… My phone is now ringing several times a day for seemingly no reason. Sometimes there’s a voice at the other end, and sometimes it just rings one to three times and then stops. For the hangup calls, whatever you do, don’t call back the number that called you – this is a scam! Creative scammers have discovered that they can use a robo-caller to dial random numbers, ring once and hang up. When someone calls […]

  • Scam Email Word Doc

    Scam Email Word Doc

    Scam Email Word Doc: a reader asks… I recently received an email from someone I don’t know who sent me a Word document for something he says I asked for. I’m not sure what to do. I have Outlook and saw the note in my preview window but haven’t opened the email yet. What should I do? Do not pass Go, delete the email without opening it or the file attachment. Scammers and hackers are constantly finding new and creative […]

  • Print Queue Full

    Print Queue Full

    Print Queue Full: a reader asks… I have a Windows 7 computer and an HP Envy printer. Yesterday I had a printer jam which took me a long time to fix. I had a lot of documents queued up to print and of course, they aren’t printing. Of course I’m under the gun trying to print tax return documents. I’ve tried sending new print jobs to the printer but nothing prints. I have pressed all possible icons and can’t find that […]

  • iPhone Mount

    iPhone Mount

    iPhone Mount: a reader asks… I have an iPhone that I’d like to have handy in my car. I’ve tried those airvent thingies but I don’t like them. Do you have a solution you recommend? Actually, I’ve been using the Steelie car mounting kit (you can get it on Amazon or direct from Nite Ize at for several years now. Using 3M adhesive rings, you attach a strong magnet (sort of a flat donut shape) to the back of your […]

  • Office365 +5

    Office365 +5

    Office365 +5: a reader asks… I have a 5-user MS Office 365 subscription but I have more than 5 computers. Is there a way to use it on more than 5 computers? Officially, Microsoft only sells the Home and Premium subscriptions for up to five computers, so you’ll have to buy another Office subscription for the other computers. Or act like a business and buy with volume licensing. Unofficially, there is a way, but it can be a little extra […]

  • Turntable with Sonos

    Turntable with Sonos

    Turntable with Sonos: a reader asks… I have an old turntable that was part of a home stereo system (maybe 20 years old). I also have a Sonos music system with a Sonos Connect and a few Play 3 and 5 speakers. Two questions: First, how can I hookup my turntable so I can play my vinyl collection through the Sonos, and second, I want to expand my speakers to all the rooms of my house – do I need […]

  • To VPN or Not to VPN

    To VPN or Not to VPN

    To VPN or Not to VPN, that is the question: a reader asks… Quick question for you: Should I get VPN service for any/all my devices? I’ve seen a few offers online for lifetime VPN service for a one-time cost. The short answer is that at this point, most US consumers shouldn’t switch to a VPN. Congress recently passed and the President signed a resolution to repeal Obama-era  FCC rules that were intended to protect consumers from privacy invasions. Specifically, the rule […]

  • Verizon email to AOL

    Verizon email to AOL

    A reader asks… I recently received an email from Verizon telling me my email account was being discontinued (I use Verizon webmail). I was given a choice of moving to AOL or another email service. I’m not sure what to do. If you use a verizon email account for your primary email, then yes, it’s time you switched, because Verizon is ditching its branded email service. Years ago, Verizon bought AOL and so for years the company has been supporting […]

  • LastPass Worries

    LastPass Worries

    LastPass Worries: a reader asks… I use your recommended LastPass password manager. Do I need to worry about security vulnerabilities? I read that several security vulnerabilities were discovered with LastPass. Should I switch to another password manager? LastPass advised users of an existing potential vulnerability via their blog. While the threat is pretty obscure, it is possible for you to inadvertently allow your account to be compromised. LastPass is working on a permanent fix, but in the meantime advises folks […]

  • Tunes on the Go

    Tunes on the Go

    Tunes on the Go: a reader asks… I am just getting into listening to music. I have a Mac, a Windows PC, an iPhone and an Android smartphone (between me and my spouse). I’m a bit overwhelmed with all the choices in getting and listening to music. Can you give me some advice for something we both can share and use? We want to be able to listen to music on any of our computers or smartphones, and also want […]

  • Win10-2 things for recovery

    Win10-2 things for recovery

    Win10-2 things for recovery: a reader asks… I have a Windows 10 computer, and I want to make sure I can recover from a disaster. I have File History turned on, backing up to an external hard drive. Is that enough? Not quite. You need two more things in order to be ready to recover from a disaster. Such as a hard drive crashing. Thing One is a System Recovery USB thumbdrive. That’s what you can insert into your computer […]

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